Friday, December 23, 2016

The Music of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: An Analysis

Here, I was asked to analyze an aspect of a film and write about it.

I decided to look into one aspect of a Christmas classic that probably few people ever think about.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Mythology & Media Accuracy: An Analysis


For this assignment, I had two choices: write about myths in art, and about myths in the modern world. Since my topic was so applicable to both categories, I ended up writing a hybrid paper.

A quick side note: in my write up, I make a few comments that may come off as me disparaging the Indiana Jones and Sleepy Hollow series. I'd like to clarify first that, while I'm not a huge fan, I'm a follower of both franchises. This paper isn't meant to belittle either series, but meant to illustrate an example of errors in mythological research in media.

In a time where people are despised because of how little others understand their religions, I think a greater understanding of those religions will be extremely important.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Painting Critique

Here, I was asked to find and review a painting. For the assignment, rather than search the mass amount of paintings in databases across the internet, I decided to review a print I personally owned. Here is what I wrote.

Phi Theta Kappa at HACC

Note: I've redacted the names of individuals mentioned in this to protect their identities and privacy. I also made a single alteration below as a date mentioned as already passed.

From grade school on, students are encouraged to put forth their absolute best for all sorts of rewards and benefits. Students with grades no lower than C’s are accepted into Honor Societies. Students with no lower than a B receive Distinguished Honors.

A similar opportunity awaits students who perform well academically at HACC and many other colleges.

Phi Theta Kappa (or ΦΘΚ) is a nationally recognized honor society. Formed in 1918 in Missouri, their self-described mission is to recognize college students’ academic achievements and grant opportunities for students to grow as scholars and leaders.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Huckabee's Jaws Reference: An Analysis

A quick note: I wanted to say something about this since I found out about it three weeks ago, but I've been restricted in personal obligations and classwork. Since some of my workload has lightened briefly, I took the time to write this up.

As a movie buff, I've watched a wide number of movies, and I'm happy to go into detail about film references. I also get annoyed lightly when a film reference gets botched. I'm very patient and recognize that not all people have the same experience and passion with films that I do. Most people have better things to focus on.

However, I do take offense when a reference not only fails, but the person making the reference seems to have made no effort to actually understand what it is they're talking about.

On Monday, October 10, Mike Huckabee made an effort to defend Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump by comparing him to Quint (Robert Shaw) from the 1975 movie Jaws.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Break My Soul - An Interpersonal Analysis

The Briefing
For an Interpersonal Communication class, I was assigned to review a song and apply concepts from our textbook to it. Here is what I wrote.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Millennials in 2016

What is the millennial role in 2016? Here, I look into it.

NOTE: I first wrote this in February/early March, so some of this information is outdated. However, I think the matter of millennial voters are extremely important, so I've left most of this largely unchanged. As such, it doesn't feature anything about Hillary Clinton's email scandals, Bernie Sanders' reluctance to leave the race, or Donald Trump's most recent comments.

Monday, June 6, 2016

ComicCon in Harrisburg: Can Costumed Heroes Save Harrisburg from Debt?

A number of cities across the country are in dire straits. Detroit, Michigan – once the “wealthiest city in America,” according to Economy in Crisis – was called “an example of everything that is wrong with the American economy” by the same site. Flint, Michigan is currently at the center of a massive water crisis. Aliso Canyon in Orange County California was the center of a major environmental crisis when a gas leak blasted 100,000 metric tons of greenhouse gasses into the air before it was plugged.

Crises like these are highly publicized because the effects are visible and felt by many. Not all cities receive the same treatment, though.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Places for Ex-Offenders

The Story

“Unfortunately, we have a lot of misconceptions about what leaving prison is actually like,” said John Oliver in a November 2015 episode of HBO’s Last Week Tonight. “Perhaps because it’s often presented in movies and TV as a happy moment when former inmates rejoin families and friends, and put their life back together.”

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Pollution in the U.S.: Consequences of No Regulations

California workers succeeded in plugging a major natural gas leak on Thursday, February 18. The leak began in October and lasted five months before workers succeeded in capping it. Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency after 30,000 locals evacuated.

The origins of the leak trace back to 1979. Then, a Southern California Gas Company (SoCal Gas) inspector removed a safety valve due to wear. Claiming it was difficult to find a new part, and the well not being “critical” at the time, it was never replaced.

“Critical” here meaning “not within 100 feet of a local town.”

Keeping an Open Heart – Literally

PinnacleHealth in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania became the first institution to work in a nationwide medical clinical trial.

The trial is set to test transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) treatment. Also known as transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), TAVR is slated to be a less invasive and longer lasting treatment for cardiac conditions.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Animal Rescues – What, Why and Who?

Most people are in agreement. Animal abuse is ugly, no matter how much offenders try to “pretty” it up. 62% of people in a Gallup poll believe animals deserve some level of protection from harm and exploitation.